Thursday, February 2, 2017

Secangkir Tinta

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Salam sejahtera buat teman-teman pembaca, pada hari aku mencoret cebisan tinta ini kita sudah pada tanggal 3 Februari 2017 bersamaan 6 jamadil Awal 1438 hijri. Alhamdulillah bersyukur atas nikmat yang diberikan, nikmat roh dan nafas, nikmat rezeki dan segala nikmat yg dipinjamkan kepadaku di atas muka bumi ini.

Sedikit coretan yang inginku kongsikan bersama mengenai perjalanan kehidupanku sebagai insan yg serba kerdil dan berdosa, setiap hari demi hari ku melangkah sebagai seorang manusia.

Betul kata org, perjalanan hidup mematang dan mendewasakan kita, setiap hari kita mengorak langkah demi langkah pasti bakal ada sesuatu yg baharu yg kita tidak pernah merasai dan kecapi akan muncul dan datang kepada kita, dan seharusnya sebagai manusia kita harus bersedia atas segala benda yg menyusur.

Sebagai manusia kita tidak pernah lari dari melakukan kesilapan tetapi kita perlu ingat pada waktu yang sama kesilapan dan kesalahan yg dilakukan merupakan pengajar dan pendidik yg paling bermakna dlm kehidupan seharian kita.

Sememangnya sebagai manusia aku tidak kuat utk melalui kehidupan harian yg penuh cabaran dan dugaan yg hebat menimpa, pelbagai mcm cara ianya datang dan hari demi hari aku semakin belajar akan sifat-sifat manusia yg punya cara dan tata yg berbeza-beza. Pelbagai macam ragam dan kerenah yg seharusnya aku iya dan hadapkan sehingga pada satu ketika aku tidak mampu memberikan yang terbaik dan ada juga ralatnya aku rasakan jauh dari sudut hati.

Sepertinya aku ambil segala benda yg datang secara positif dan hadam satu persatu. Sememangnya keluar dari 'comfort zone' adalah perkara yg diluar jangkaan bagiku dan jujur aku bilang aku bukan manusia yg ingin mengejar bulan dan bintang. Aku hanya seorang yang kerdil yang ingin belajar satu persatu perkara yang baharu dan setakat ini segala yg datang kepadu, aku hadamkan secara positif dan selalu redha dan bersyukur atas kurniaan perjalanan hidup yang diberikan

Banyak gelak tawa, manis rasa dan masam mencuka sudah aku lalui dan aku harus bersedia dengan pelbagai lagi pengalaman yg lebih besar dan maha dasyat selepas ini, aku harus berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik, mengerahkan titik peluh atas usaha aku sendiri, belajar sesuatu yg baru dan sukar hari demi hari bahkan dalam pada masa yang sama aku juga ingin mencari ilmu duniawi dan ukhrawi.

Sememangnya aku berdoa agar Allah sentiasa memberikan jalan kepadaku supaya aku berada diatas landasan yg betul dan lurus sebagai hamba. Seterusnya aku sebagai hamba dan manusia tidak riak dan sombong atas kurniaan nikmat yg diberikan dan sentiasa positif dalam segala sesuatu.

Doakan aku berjaya mengharungi cabaran yang bakal mendatang dan kutanamkan dalam jati diri ini segala yang sudah berlaku, sedang berlaku dan akan berlaku pasti akan ada hikmah disebaliknya. Kita hanya perlu percaya dengan apa yg sudah tertulis dan sentiasa mengharungi dengan tenang dan sabar. Doakan aku berjaya wahai kalian!!

Terima kasih. ⚘

Friday, January 20, 2017

Give Yourself good and Quality time

1) There is no pressure as to how well you perform.

When you are alone you can take time to become involved in activities that you really enjoy with no pressure as to how well you perform them or how accomplished you are.
The joy is in the doing, in the experiencing and in your own inner enjoyment of expressing yourself.

2) Your unique brand of creativity flourishes.

Your unique brand of creativity flourishes when you are removed from outside influences.
If you want to paint your house, paint a picture, design something, write something, invent something, spend quiet time allowing your imaginative genius freedom to explore possibilities. It can be a most rewarding experience. Explore your abilities and interests. You may come up with something that will change your life.

3) Gear down, refresh and get ready to tackle the world.

We live in a very hectic society. Stress and stress related illness is at an all-time high. Spending time on your own allows you to gear down, refresh and be more ready to tackle the outside world when you re-emerge.

4) Quiet time can help you sort through problems.

Just sitting down and thinking through a problem, thinking about what caused it and how best to resolve it can result in very effective solutions. But even if a solution is not forthcoming, just having taken the time to think things through and to understand the problem more thoroughly can bring peace and a certain courage to carry on.

5) Get a better understanding of yourself.

Do you truly know yourself? Do you feel you really understand who you are?
Most people do not. While spending more time alone may not bring you the complete answer to this question, it can certainly give you a much better understanding of how you truly feel about things going on in your life.
You can discover more of your abilities, your passions, your interests and even your dislikes. You get a feel for yourself, who you are and where you fit in the world. This brings self-confidence.

6) You may find a new best friend.

Contentment with life is strongly based on contentment with who you are. If you spend time alone, you find out more about yourself.
If you really dig down and get to know yourself thoroughly, and to enjoy who you are, your interactions with the world will work out better too because when you know and like who you are as a person it shows through everything you do and say. It is a very attractive quality.

7) Get more done.

Do you have a list of things you need to do, want to do? Is your list one of these that never seems to get any shorter because you are always too busy to get around to doing the things on the list?
Spending time on your own will allow you uninterrupted time to get these things done. You may or may not enjoy doing them, depending on what is on your list, but you will definitely feel better for having finished them. You will emerge with less stress, less weighing on your mind and the satisfaction of a job well done.

8) Become more relaxed and tolerant.

Do you sometimes feel irritable and get easily annoyed with people? Do you find a great many “jerks” around you at times?
The more annoying people appear to you, and more of them there are, the more you could benefit from some time on your own. You cannot change the world, you cannot change what other people say or do. But you can change your perspective on them. After some calm, peaceful time on your own doing whatever pleases you, or doing nothing at all, you will find the annoyances in life shrink dramatically because you are now relaxed and more tolerant.

9) Explore the possibilities for your life.

You can explore the possibilities for your life. What would you like to achieve or do? How can you go about it? What do you need to do to be able to start? Think things through. Allow your mind to wander. Do not relegate anything as impossible.
Just keep on thinking about what would give you the most satisfaction, the most joy. What is that? Take time alone to look inside and ponder on what would make your life the most worth living, both for yourself and for those you love. It may be something that comes through your work or not. The important thing is that it is what brings you joy and engages your passion.

10) Enjoy time with someone awesome.

And lastly, it is a great idea to spend time on your own because you are awesome and spending time with someone awesome is a wonderful, exhilarating, amazing thing to be able to do. Spend time alone 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Life is a journey

Assalamualaikum! hi guys!
    How are you today? hope all doing good.. actually entry kali ni saja nak share pasal kehidupan. Life is a journey....
Yah! as you know right sebagai manusia kita semua tak lari dari kancah kehidupan, setiap perkara yang kita lakukan hari demi hari pasti akan memberikan impak kepada kita tak kira lah kecil atau besar, contohnya seperti gembira,sedih,marah,kecewa dan sebagainya.
     Sebenarnya ini lah kehidupan.. kita harus mengharunginya dengan hati yang ikhlas dan terbuka, setiap benda yang terjadi sudah tertulis dan sebagai hamba kita tak perlu lah merungut atau mengeluh dengan kehidupan kita,seharusnya kita belajar utk menghargai dan menerima nikmat kehidupan yg diberikan ini dengan sebaiknya.
       Jika kita telah melakukan kesilapan dan kesalahan kita haruslah belajar dari perkara tersebut dan berusaha utk tidak mengulanginya lagi. Bercakap mengenai rezeki pulak, sebenarnya segala rezeki yang datang kepada kita adalah rezeki yg datang dari Allah s.w.t. Tugas kita sebagai hamba hanyalah memohon dan berdoa agar rezeki yg diberikan adalah baik dan barakah serta memohon supaya pintu rezeki kita diperluaskan hari demi hari.
      Terapkan dan pesan pada diri masing masing supaya melakukan sesuatu perkara dgn hati yang ikhlas tanpa mengharapkan balasan. Dan kita harus igt setiap perkara yg terjadi pada kita hari demi hari sebagai seorang manusia merupakan perkara yg sudah ditetapkan oleh-Nya dan sudah tentu ada hikmah disebalik kejadian. Hargailah pelayaran bahtera kehidupan kita dengan sebaik mungkin, nescaya kita akan dapat merasai nikmat kehidupan yg sebenar!

                          Photo: Aril Asm

I Asked For Strength
And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong,

I Asked for wisdom
And God gave me problem to solve,

I Asked for prosperity
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work

I Asked for Favour
And God gave me opportunities

               I Received nothing I wanted
              I Received anything I needed

                    Photo: HanifHussain

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Brand New Year

     The way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly.
     You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking! You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. It all starts with your thoughts – and I have found that inspirational words are a quick way to retune your thinking
       Bring your new year resolution with good effort and inspiration while surounding yourself with good people! Ahaa! Btw i have found someone who always keep on supporting me in whatever im doing and always give me a goosebumps!! He also taught and lead me to be a positive person in everyday you know!!! Thank you S . 
Photo: Hanifhussain

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Versatility of Denim.

Jean or Jeans are trousers often made from Denim or dungaree cloth. Often the term "jeans" refers to a particular style of pants, called "blue jeans," which were invented by Jacob Davis in 1871 and patented by Davis and Levi Strauss on 20 May 1873. Starting in the 1950s, jeans, originally designed for cowboys and miners, became popular among teenagers especially members of the greaser subculture. This resources i gained from desktop study 30 minutes before i start this entry. what can you do with Denim? It’s got to be the most versatile piece in your wardrobe, right alongside the humble white tee. There are denim shorts and skirts for summer, jeans and jackets for winter and shirts for everything in between. While they go with just about everything else, did you know that you can pair them up for a super cool, layered look? Lets take a look my collection in denim, have a beautiful day guys! 365 days feel enjoy! 

                                                                          Lady Denim

                                                Denim long skirt with lovely Turban.

Acid Denim with Black Cover

Black denim pants.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hanis Nabilah Library: Sensational Red lips look.

Hanis Nabilah Library: Sensational Red lips look.: Assalamualaikum, Hello people, happy Saturday! hope you doing good, today i would like to share a bit girly red lips look. How to get sophi...

Hanis Nabilah Library: Turban head scarves fashion.

Hanis Nabilah Library: Turban head scarves fashion.: Part 1 Assalamualaikum . Hi all! long time no see, really miss all of you. So guys! today lets we talk about turban head scarves, since it...